Communicate Well, Lead Well

If you’re a leader, then you’re leading people and all people require connection and a sense of belonging. We build that through great communication that is skilled, genuine and meaningful. That doesn’t mean it’s easy though.

There is much study dedicated to the art of leadership or the delicacy required to deal with people or the assertiveness to direct a group, team or organization. No matter what lens you view it through, one thing remains unmoving, the need and requirement to communicate well.

Let’s dissect the term ‘communication’ - what’s your definition or what does it mean to you? It’s an incredibly broad term and encompasses so many meanings and even more tools; letters, emails, phone calls, texting, written media, digital media, messaging, signals and let’s not forget the person-to-person dialogue. Dialogue means external (with another person(s) or with yourself).

So, you see, it’s not enough to just say “I communicate well” or “I don’t communicate well”. It’s its own deep study!

Leaders, which parts are you skilled at and which parts do you need to do some skill building? It’s time to take an introspective peek into your skill set and divide what’s awesome and what’s in need of growth. Specifically which part, which meaning or which tool do you need to develop? Fun fact, communication skills are those that can be taught, learned, coached and developed, just like any skill set.

What communication skill is NOT, is an inherited trait or part of your personality! All people, ALL people can grow communication skills from whatever their starting point is. Imagine learning a sport without first learning individual skills and then doing drills on them and then being coached and then playing the game to evaluate your skills. That’s how communication works too. It is meant to be grown and developed.

One of the greatest challenges that I hear from all leaders is how to manage conflict,  with clients, teams, and colleagues, in large or small organizations. There’s a secret sauce for that! Grow your skills, grow your competence, grow your confidence and then you start seeing the joy of working with people, even the ‘difficult’ ones.

Leaders, let’s get to leading with skills, with connection and JOY!

Let’s do this!



A Student, A Coffee and Me!


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